The materials in these resources are based on 25 years of applied research and development in various educational, workplace, and sport environments by Matthew L. Davidson, Ph.D., Vladimir T. Khmelkov, Ph.D., and their colleagues at the Excellence with Integrity Institute. Over the years, we expanded our grounded theory framework, designed new assessment instruments, and developed and implemented a vast range of instructional resources that help leaders develop the strengths of culture and character needed for optimal performance.
We have received feedback from many athletes and coaches who successfully implemented our work in competitive collegiate athletics. We are grateful to all of them for their dedication and contributions to our work. We are also grateful to our talented partners at The Robert D. and Billie Ray Center at Drake University. Special thanks to Scott Raecker who has contributed to our theory, practice, and assessment since the very first versions of our work. We are especially grateful to Jeff Kluever, whose extraordinary talents and abilities have helped shape these resources.
TIP Program
The Robert D. and Billie Ray Center at Drake University and the Excellence with Integrity Institute are proud to announce an extended partnership with NCAA Women’s Basketball and the Women’s Basketball Coaches Association (WBCA). The partnership will help coaches create a positive team culture that empowers leadership development.
The project is focused on providing state-of-the-art practices for shaping team culture. These resources focus on teamwork, inclusion, and passion and were initially created by The Ray Center and The Excellence with Integrity Institute to support the NCAA WBB Strategic Plan. The resources were showcased at recent WBCA Conventions and received enthusiastic feedback. The partnership with the WBCA includes enhanced resources for WBCA coaches at all levels
The TIP with Excellence and Integrity culture shaping resources were initially developed as part of the strategic plan of the NCAA Women’s Basketball.